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6Dec, 24

Changes in Recycling Legislation 2024/2025

December 6th, 2024|

In 2023, the Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) introduced Simpler Recycling Legislation. The two primary goals of this legislation were to: Make it clear and consistent as to what can be recycled across all regions Improve the [...]

6Dec, 24

How to Use Bristol Recycling Centres Effectively

December 6th, 2024|

Effective use of recycling centres means better sustainability for your household waste, as more of it enters the correct waste streams. At ETM Recycling, our goal is to help you recycle as much as possible, while minimising the amount of [...]

31Oct, 24

The Beginner’s Guide to Waste-to-Energy Solutions

October 31st, 2024|

Proper waste management is about handling waste in the way that is most cost-effective, environmentally friendly, and efficient for the type of waste. While many products and waste materials can be recycled for further use, not all are suitable – [...]

31Oct, 24

The Role of Waste Management in Climate Change Mitigation

October 31st, 2024|

As the world shifts its focus to more environmentally friendly solutions, one big pain point has always been waste. Despite initiatives to reduce, reuse, and recycle whenever possible, much of the waste we produce ends up in landfill. But how [...]

10Oct, 24

Landfill Gas and its Contribution to Climate Change

October 10th, 2024|

Waste streams are made up of many components including recycling plants, incineration facilities, and, regrettably - landfills. In an ideal world, everything would be recycled, but landfills are needed to hold the waste that either can’t, or is too [...]

27Sep, 24

Hazardous Waste Management, Disposal, and Regulations

September 27th, 2024|

Hazardous waste comes in many different forms – from everyday items like batteries, aerosols, oils, and chemicals, to more notorious examples like radioactive materials. With the UK producing millions of tonnes of hazardous waste each year, proper disposal and management [...]

15Aug, 24

Top 5 Myths About Recycling Debunked

August 15th, 2024|

Recycling is a crucial component of sustainable waste management, yet many misconceptions persist. Often, people fail to recycle correctly because they're unsure about what can and cannot be recycled. Different regional recyclables, advances in recycling technology, and cultural shifts [...]

15Aug, 24

Implementing Effective Waste Management Policies in Cities

August 15th, 2024|

The urban environment is vastly different from rural areas in many ways, and waste management is perhaps both the most noticeable and important. Without effective waste management policies, cities and their occupants will suffer from poor health, cluttered streets, and [...]

24May, 24

The Ultimate Guide to Wood Recycling

May 24th, 2024|

The Ultimate Guide to Wood Recycling The primary materials we use in everyday life and business are in high demand. To meet this demand, new materials are often sourced which leads to a negative impact on the environment. Wood is [...]

13Apr, 24

Reducing Your Business’s Carbon Footprint with Recycling

April 13th, 2024|

Every choice matters when it comes to keeping our environment healthy. Small changes made by businesses can have a major impact. Whether your business is new, old, or in between, it doesn't matter. It's beneficial for the planet and your [...]

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