Every business in any sector that creates waste must find solutions to their waste management. According to the industry, the waste streams and volumes of such produced can vary dramatically. Commercial specific waste services cater to the specific requirements of commercial businesses regarding waste types, processes and legislation.
Here at ETM Recycling we help businesses from a variety of industries to better manage their waste streams to save time, money and the environment, striving to achieve zero waste to landfill. As experienced waste management providers, we have put together this guide to commercial waste services.
What is Commercial Waste?
Waste can be created by individuals and businesses in a variety of industries; commercial, industrial, agricultural, construction, households. Businesses that trade or are used for sport, entertainment, recreation, provide services, distribute goods or other product related services are considered ‘commercial’. Although under the umbrella term ‘commercial’, businesses within this sector can have various waste needs, types, volumes and recyclability. The types of waste may range from general waste or dry mixed recycling, to food or clinical waste.
Effective waste management is critical to commercial businesses, as with any sector, to increase recycling rates and divert as much waste as possible from landfill. Commercial businesses are likely to have high output of recyclable waste, such as glass, cardboard and paper, as well as waste that may be ecologically damaging in landfill, such as plastic. By managing these waste streams with a trusted waste management and recycling provider, commercial businesses ensure their waste is properly disposed of in an environmentally considered way.
At ETM Recycling we champion our zero waste to landfill approach, ensuring our customers receive comprehensive waste management that is cost-effective, reliable and professional but also eco-friendly.
What are Commercial Waste Services?
A commercial business may use any number of waste management services depending on their requirements. Here are the most common commercial waste services:
ETM Recycling’s commercial waste services >
Waste Transportation
Waste carriers transport waste from commercial premises to recycling facilities. It is critical that the carrier is authorised to perform the task. Businesses enlist providers to ensure all waste is taken to appropriate facilities using available vehicles without hassle.
Waste Collections
Businesses working with a waste management provider will create collection agreements, deciding how often waste will be transported. This is significant to decide as collections that are too frequent may be ineffective in terms of cost, whereas collections that are too far apart may lead to waste piling up and compromising the effectiveness of the waste management. Providers usually offer flexible agreements that can alter as businesses require.
Waste Containers
Waste management providers offer commercial businesses a range of waste containers for businesses to use to store their waste prior to collection. These are usually provided on loan for a contracted timescale. Waste containers include waste bins, skips, and roll on roll off bins. Having designated trade waste bins helps commercial businesses fulfil their responsibility for separating waste types, as well as aiding disposal once transported.
Waste Disposal
Waste streams from commercial businesses are taken to material recovery facilities or waste transfer stations, where waste is sorted and then transported onwards for processing. Following The Waste Hierarchy, there are many ways to deal with waste in environmentally friendly ways before resulting in landfill. The most preferable waste management strategy is to prevent the creation of waste, alternatively, other solutions include reuse, recycle, and energy recovery. By following this hierarchy, waste management providers ensure all other possible methods are explored instead of landfill.
Commercial Waste Regulations
Business owners have the legal responsibility to ensure all waste is handled and disposed of correctly. Compliance with Duty of Care legislation is essential and lay out how commercial business waste should be stored, transported, disposed of and recorded. Commercial businesses must try to reduce their waste output, sort and store waste safely, complete relevant paperwork, use registered waste carriers and ensure compliant waste disposal.
Waste Transfer Notes are important pieces of documentation that record each load of waste collected from commercial premises. Businesses and the waste carried must both fill in relevant sections and sign the note. A copy of the note must be kept for 2 years and presented, if requested, to local authorities or the Environment Agency.
See the Government legislation >
Get Started with ETM Recycling
We offer comprehensive waste management services for commercial businesses in and around Bristol. Our flexible and reliable collections, alongside our tailored services and range of waste containers, ensure our clients get a best-fit solution for their waste. ETM Recycling help commercial businesses optimise recycling rates and achieve successful environmental policy.
If you are a business looking for cost-effective waste management, get in touch with one of our friendly team.